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Brexit and the capital markets: the view from Brussels – dinner with Kay Swinburne MEP

6 February 2017• Unlocking capital markets • Private dinner • Kay Swinburne MEP

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Whatever the outcome of the negotiations over the next few years, Brexit will have a dramatic impact on capital markets in the UK and the rest of the EU. However, much of the debate in the UK has focused on the impact on the City of London and what the capital markets industry wants from any future settlement.

This dinner will focus on the view from Brussels on Brexit and its potential impact on the capital markets. Kay Swinburne is the MEP for Wales and a member of the ECON Committee in the European Parliament. A former banker, she is one of the most influential and informed policymakers in Brussels.

New Financial events are by invitation only – for more information please contact: events@newfinancial.org

Location: 23 Grafton St

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