Our events
At the heart of New Financial membership is a managed programme of private dinners, briefings and workshops.
We provide a private forum for senior individuals with different perspectives from across the industry – investors, issuers, banks, and government – to work together to address common challenges.
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About our events
We host more than 40 events every year with each event providing a unique opportunity to directly challenge the thinking of policymakers and peers, feed into the policy debate and shape the direction of the industry.
We host candid conversations that challenge thinking, intelligence sharing and best practice to address common challenges with market participants from different sectors and policymakers from across the UK and Europe.
Some of our previous guest speakers include:
Amanda Blanc, Group CEO at Aviva and Government Women in Finance Champion
Juan Solé, Senior representative and head of the London office at the IMF
Lord Jonathan Hill - Chair of the UK Listings Review
Isabel Benjumea, Member of the European Parliament
John Berrigan, Director general at DG FISMA
Sébastien Raspiller, Head of the financial sector department, French Treasury
Nikhil Rathi, Chief executive, Financial Conduct Authority
Alexandra Jour-Schroeder, Deputy Director General at DG FISMA European Commission
Edouard Fernandez-Bollo, member of the Supervisory Board of the Single Supervisory Mechanism, ECB